Tuesday, October 21, 2008

In a week..

Well, in the last week, we've managed to all get sick. It started with Andy getting a runny nose...then a cough..

Then Ryan got a runny nose..

I started to get a sore throat last week.. used some oral spray & it went away...

Ryan's developing more of a cough now..

Andy just has snot still.

Mike just randomy starts throwing up & is completely out of commission ( you know how sick men are!) last night.. I made him soup from scratch & he went to bed early with Andy.

Today I am weak, shaky, vomiting & feeling like he did last night..

BUT! Somehow I've managed to do some major cleaning today, and even make Halloween cupcakes! haha..Isnt it funny how when a MOM is sick, the world keeps turning, but when Dad is sick it comes to a screeching halt????


Well..lets see..

Last week Ryan officially switched from creeping, to CRAWLING.

Check him out!!!

I woke up the other day & realized...I think this is the age when Andy randomly yelled "MAMA" and then didnt talk again for MONTHS.. So Ryan & I laid in bed waking up while I said Mama Mama Mama over & over...I did this through out the day.. in the late evening I felg uilty & threw in a few Dada's.. set Ryan on the ground to go get some water & he starts yelling "Dadadadadadadadadada"


My plan was foiled.. he laughs at me now when I say Mama.. then gets a silly grin when I say Dada. Silly boy!!!
Andy is officially a naked wild child..The kid refuses to wear pants ( and a diaper!) the SECOND your in a different room than him, its OFF! Then he yells "GO POTTY!!!" Which is just his *excuse* for taking the diaper off, of course, this kiddo has No interest in the potty what so EVER!
Thanks to Mike.. my wonderful husband & fabulous father...when Andy poops he now says one of 2 things..
"Big turd..Andys big turd"
"Dop Deuce" ( since Mike asks "you dropping deuces buddy??"
Ahh.. arent boys lovely?????
Hm..what else is new.. I've drank probably close to a gallon of water today & my lips keep getting dry b/c it just isnt enough, I seem to be dehydrated =(
We were hoping to go a large Zoo this weekend, but its going to be rainy..so we might not even get to Trick or Treat Sunday either.. I'm not going to drag both barely well kids ( and sick parents) out for T or T if its cold & rainy..
My best friend is going to come see us Sunday, either after T or T or if we dont go due to weather, instead of.. I'm excited. Shes never met Ryan & only seen Andy once.. its hard to get together with people when you have little kids & dont live super close...
I've been doing manjor organizing lately.. its a slow process, and its making somewhat of a mess in the process, but is long awaited.. I've even reorganized & labeled my spice cabinet.. Scary huh??
I think thats it! Off to chase Andy with a diaper!

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