Well.. Let me see..
Sunday I thought was about the best day..E-V-E-R!!!
I got 2 pairs of Kitson boots for $19.99 each at Gabes..
THEN I got basically a $300 car seat for $43 shipped from Target.com!! Andy has out grown his car seat in Mikes car & they are SO expensive to get a good, safe seat. I skimp on myself, but never my kids, ESPECIALLY when it comes to safety, like car seats. Only the best for my kiddos.. So to find a Britax for $43 was a MIRACLE.
And you know what they say..if something is too good to be true..It usually is.
Lets just say..I personally know of over 200 really pissed (ex!!) Target shoppers as of Monday... And those are JUST from cloth diapering associations. I spoke to several "Target Team Members" and was basically told "Sorry, go buy it for $200.. thats outr ACTUAL sale price" even though my order had already been processed.. They claim it was supposed to be $43 OFF the original price, not $43 in general.. HOWEVER.. A FEW peoples orders slipped through, so SOME people go their $300 seat for $43.. every one else's order just dissapeared with a ageneric email that eventually followed.
There are Facebook groups, Cafemom groups, messages board, etc over ridden with angry mothers.I'll say.. I'm ticked too.. but now, I'm just more angry at the lack of customer service, when I finally got an english speaking supervisor on the phone, he was rude, bored & annoyed sounding. I get it..I bet he WAS annoyed by that point..but a SALES job means being nice.. Believe me..I know its hard..but its your JOB. I didnt even get offered an apology.Just a flat, bored tone of sheer annoy-ism..
So now, I've been searching high & low trying to find the best car seat possible now, for the least amount of money. Andy flat out does NOT fit in his seat anymore. We cant safely wait any longer,I've been trying to stretch until Christmas but it just isnt an option any longer. I finally decided on the Nautilus from Walmart, $122 with 97cent shipping.. Thats $20 less than if I drove to Target & picked one up right now. And realistically, as tall as Andy is, this seat will last him until he is 10 years old, or can ride with oput a booster. It IS a better deal for us, but I dont like being "taken" and I beleive Target took quite a few people.. and quite a few people are PISSED.
Stupid Target...I'm on a Target Ban for as long as I can manage... BOO TARGET!!
Thats all =0)
I have lots more to say about lots of things, but Ryan just woke up.. So.. Ta Ta for now my friends..
And remember..We no longer like Target..
It will be hard.. but I'm going to try to stear clear as long as possible.. Not that they will notice or care..but damnit, in my head, its *doing something*!!!!
For future reference, I LOVE Albeebaby.com for carseats and strollers. They have free shipping on orders over $100 too!
we have the nautillus and like it pretty well. But i am afraid he won't last until 65 pounds. You know as short as he is (around 33-34 inches MAYBE) he's on the last slots (the harness slots). So only time will tell. I really hope he does last, b/c he loves this carseat, and its super easy to install, its super easy to move the straps up! Overall its a great seat, i am just not sure AYden will last until 65 pounds! Good luck, and oh we HAVE to see pics of andy in his new seat!
I am avoiding them too. The CS in this situation has been horrible! I emailed the CEO and have yet to hear anything. I dont think this is over and I dont think I will ever see my 2 car seats. OH well it was worth a try.
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