Monday, February 23, 2009

Andys Adjectives

Ah..I remember the not so long ago days when we WISHED Andy would talk more!

Oh how the times have changed!

Andy now uses words in ways we didnt know he understood! Here are some examples.

Andy used to say "Want car song"

Andy now says "I want a really COOL car song"

Andy also knows the difference bwteen WANT and NEED.
As in, "I want more water" and "I NEED more chocolate eggs"

Mike was playing Music Videos on Demand for Andy, put a song on to see what it was & then said to himself "Ah, thats gay" and turned it off..

Several minutes later, I passed through the living room, Mike put it on a song *he* wanted to hear & Andy goes "No dad, 's gay song, turn it off"
Thanks Dad!!!
I've also lately heard "No, DONT sing!" and "I dont like it" and so many other wonderful phrases it makes me wonder why we ever craved for Andys speech to pick up in the first place!!!
(kidding, of course, I love even the crazy things he says!!!)
Ah..he NEEDS more chocolate eggs.. he IS my son, huh?


Pamela said...

LOL I was going to make a similar post today. I miss those quite days already before the "no" came out so much!!

Hailey said...

Oh man, maybe I am glad Skye doesn't really talk much lol.
Also, I can't get comments to post on your other blog...the little word identification thing won't load for me, so this goes on the Gorilla post
:Claire, I want to see the video...e mail me NOW lol. And I must be a blind dumbass, because I know you said you tagged me I still don't see it anywhere on either blog...and I still can't find the pricing on the other one you linked me too....I think I am going blind lol."
Apparently I am just having major issues today, maybe I should take it as a sign and go to bed RIGHT now...think it will work?

Gisela said...

I remember those quiet days- kinda! Nicholas is the same way. Talks all day. It is cute to see their personalities blossom!