Well! LOTS to catch up on.. I started a new medication this last week that has this minor little side effect, called.. Trouble breathing.
So.. I've been feeling pretty bad lately, hopefully we'll get it all cleared up today when I go to the doctor!!
Lets see.. Ryan is just getting over Roseola. Yucko! He had his well check & he weighs a bit over 20lbs and is almost 31 inches tall. He is quite advanced physically, as we already knew & she was shocked at what an easy going baby he is ( she knows Andy, haha!)
Andy is really putting together LOTS of words.. he tells me to put my coffee down when I only offer him one hand to jump & am holding my cup in the other.. He is pretty much forming sentences that make sense, all on his own. Its pretty cool. He's also learning all the lyrics to his 2 favorite songs, "All I wanna Do" by Sugarland and his "car song" 'Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts. He does the motions they do in the videos, sings, dances & plays guitar right along with them!
Mike is at the end of the semester, lets all cross fingers he aces exams!!! Then he has about a month of break to be at home.. all day.. with US!!!! ..Poor guy...
Chuck the cat is doing quite well.. other than chewing & playing with EVERYTHING b/c Andy keeps losing her toys.. she's really good. Ryan is in LOOOVEE with the cats.. he gets SO excited to see them & when he catches one for a pet, its probably the highlight of his little life so far.
I'd say Andy is having a liitttllee trouble with sharing & being gentle lately..he means well, of course. I think we really need an Andy date before too long, to just spend on him.
We are taking the boys Friday for professional pictures. I've never taken them before this, so I'm pretty excited! I wont spoilt it by saying what they're wearing..but.. I'm expecting it to be PRETTY cute!!!! I hope it goes well & Andy gives NICE smiles ;-)
Mike & I saw Twilight yesterday. It was good..but I am always dissapointed with movies after I've read the book.. I expect a bit TOO much. I think Little Women is the only one that I've perfectly loved the movie as the book.
Getting excited fpr Christmas over here!! I'm thinking we arent going to put up a big tree this year.. Ryan is too into things & I could se ehim pulling it over on himself, or the kitten climbing it.. Our house is TOO small for that!!
Andy has adopted an old bracelet of mine..its covered in tiny jingle bells. He LUURVVEES it.. Hes sitting on my lap right now stroking it, jingling it & telling me how pretty it is and singing Life Is a Highway. he also has a new love for pockets.. He tries to put anything he can in them..things much much MUCH bigger than the pockets themselves.. He's a sweet boy, my Andy.
Well.. Its time to get back to cleaning.. I guess I've sat here attempting to breath for long enough..Silly breathing..Like its a necessity or something crazy!!!!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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