Saturday, August 30, 2008

Well.. we (sort of..) survived the first week back to school!! I've barely found the time to shower much less sit down & email, or blog, or even work this week! Hopefully I'll get a routine going before too long though.

2 days a week Mike has class from 8-10am and then from 8-10pm as well! So he wakes up at 6 something & leaves, sometimes he will come home since it is a 10 hour stretch..but that will also be good for him to do homework down the road..
SO! On those days lucky mommy gets the boys AALLLL to herself ALLL day and ALLLL night!! YIKES. I put them both to sleep myself, which didn't go NEARLY as bad as I expected luckily..

We had banana pancakes one morning..


(Andy is learning to "smile" for the camera!)

Another day we sorted through summer/fall/winter clothes to see what we already have & what we need for both boys...

Apparently Andy is good for boots ;-)
And yes..that is chicken broth holding the gate open..Andy has a love for canned good & there is also a can of tuna that has been sitting on the nightstand for a month now.. Why put it away? It'll just be back out tomorrow....

Another morning we all woke up TOOOO early!!!!


and then after we woke up we covered Ryan with kisses!!
..and it scared him.....

So we just laughed at Andy instead!

Yep..its been quite a week! I've felt happier than I have in awhile.. not sure why, maybe there is just something about being home just the 3 of us that feels special! We've had Mike around all but 1 week after Ryan was born.. now it just feels a bit different, I feel more accomplished after I do the dishes ( which was always Mikes chore until this last week) or when I get both of them down for a nap at the same time & get to sit in QUIET for all of 5 minutes before something else needs to be tended to.. I guess I feel like :wow, I did that all by myself!" and while I really miss Mike & REALLY wish I wasn't doing it all by myself b/c I sure got a lot more free time when he wasn't in class... it just makes me feel happy to know that I'm handling it & we're all enjoying eachother! Hope that makes sense.... But happy as I am with these kids..there is no greater happiness when Dad walks in the door..and I can hand them to him & get the heck out for a little bit!!! heheee

So.. that's where I've been all week.. hidden under laundry, dishes & diapers! I'll be back, e-mailing, blogging, posting more soon, I hope...Keep commenting me, or mailing me.. just because I don't write you back right away doesn't mean I just means I don't have the hands to do so at the time, I'll get around to it, eventually!!!

1 comment:

Kayla said...

glad you guys survived